Saturday, February 2, 2008

Farmers Market Update

Annex neighbours, Mary Jo, Joel and Eric attended a meeting a couple weeks ago hoping to get the "green light" to proceed with a Farmers' Market in Jean Sibelius Square. Much to their disappointment, there was no support at all since, according to someone at the meeting, the City does not let farmers drive trucks in the park and farmers are reluctant to haul produce from their parked car. It seems that the Annex Residents Association (ARA) in cooperation with Harbord Village Residents Association (HVRA) have already scoped out space and are looking at parking lots near Bloor Street as options for a Farmers' Market beginning this summer.

In my opinion, this is unfortunate since, a Farmers Market in the park would be so much more community oriented than trekking to Bloor Street. Also, at least one of the three neighbours attending this meeting felt their ideas and efforts were dismissed before they even opened their mouths.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

City employees are always going to resist any effort by the public to do something that is outside their existing mandate. It seems that by nature, any change to the status quo will frighten these city employees.

If its a weekend, parking may be available at RSG School. If farmers are reluctant to set up a stand and then move their truck away,there's not much we can do about that, however. If the trucks are smaller, can they not park immediately around the park? Maybe some exemption could be made to allow parking around the perimeter of the park for this type of special event.