Monday, April 28, 2008

Jane's Walk

Last year marked the inauguration of Jane's Walk, named after Jane Jacobs, who was a well-known urban activist and Annex resident.

Jane's walk is billed as a "co-ordinated series of free neighbourhood walking tours given by locals who care passionately about where they live, work and play... it's about raising urban literacy by offering a pedestrian-focused event that combines insights into urban history, planning, design and civic engagement with the simple act of walking and observing."

This year, the walks are taking place May 3 and 4, which, shockingly enough, is this weekend. (Note to self: where did April go?) Of particular interest to AnnexNation readers is Jane's Hood, The Annex on Sunday, May 4th at 10 am, Adam Vaughan Walks To Work on May 4 at 10:30 am and a self-guided tour of The West Annex.


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